Aug 31, 2018 Momoko Sakura, the creator of the beloved manga and anime series Chibi Maruko-chan, died on August 15 from breast cancer, her office
Momoko Sakura (さくら ももこ, Sakura Momoko) (8 May 1965 – 15 August 2018) was the pen name of a Japanese manga artist from Shimizu, Shizuoka Following manga artist Momoko Sakura's death last week, fans and media personalities celebrated her work. Most highlighted the influence her series "Chibi Sep 7, 2018 Following manga artist Momoko Sakura's death last week, fans and media personalities celebrated her work. Most highlighted the influence her Momoka Sakura, nicknamed Maruko, is the main character and namesake of the series. She is aged Aug 31, 2018 Momoko Sakura, the creator of the beloved manga and anime series Chibi Maruko-chan, died on August 15 from breast cancer, her office Download ASW-152.mp4 (
Momoko Sakura (さくら ももこ, Sakura Momoko) (8 May 1965 – 15 August 2018) was the pen name of a Japanese manga artist from Shimizu, Shizuoka Following manga artist Momoko Sakura's death last week, fans and media personalities celebrated her work. Most highlighted the influence her series "Chibi Sep 7, 2018 Following manga artist Momoko Sakura's death last week, fans and media personalities celebrated her work. Most highlighted the influence her Momoka Sakura, nicknamed Maruko, is the main character and namesake of the series. She is aged Aug 31, 2018 Momoko Sakura, the creator of the beloved manga and anime series Chibi Maruko-chan, died on August 15 from breast cancer, her office Download ASW-152.mp4 (
Momoko Sakura (さくら ももこ, Sakura Momoko) (8 May 1965 – 15 August 2018) was the pen name of a Japanese manga artist from Shimizu, Shizuoka Following manga artist Momoko Sakura's death last week, fans and media personalities celebrated her work. Most highlighted the influence her series "Chibi Sep 7, 2018 Following manga artist Momoko Sakura's death last week, fans and media personalities celebrated her work. Most highlighted the influence her Momoka Sakura, nicknamed Maruko, is the main character and namesake of the series. She is aged Aug 31, 2018 Momoko Sakura, the creator of the beloved manga and anime series Chibi Maruko-chan, died on August 15 from breast cancer, her office Download ASW-152.mp4 (
Momoko Sakura (さくら ももこ, Sakura Momoko) (8 May 1965 – 15 August 2018) was the pen name of a Japanese manga artist from Shimizu, Shizuoka
Momoko Sakura (さくら ももこ, Sakura Momoko) (8 May 1965 – 15 August 2018) was the pen name of a Japanese manga artist from Shimizu, Shizuoka Following manga artist Momoko Sakura's death last week, fans and media personalities celebrated her work. Most highlighted the influence her series "Chibi Sep 7, 2018 Following manga artist Momoko Sakura's death last week, fans and media personalities celebrated her work. Most highlighted the influence her Momoka Sakura, nicknamed Maruko, is the main character and namesake of the series. She is aged Aug 31, 2018 Momoko Sakura, the creator of the beloved manga and anime series Chibi Maruko-chan, died on August 15 from breast cancer, her office Download ASW-152.mp4 (